With a vague idea of what I was to purchase as far as wood and glue are concerned, I took a deep breath and walked into the only place I know where wood and woodworking items can be procured: the home depot. Never before have I felt like such a fish out of water.
Walking through aisle upon aisle of various items that can help one "improve' one's home like a lost child searching for his distracted parental unit, I found myself shrinking by the second. I knew that I needed several feet of maple veneer, but what I didn’t know as where these handy-people kept their veneer. After what seemed like hours of wandering, I stumbled across what I was looking for, but alas, there was no maple veneer in stock. I chose oak.
Grabbing what oak veneer I could find, I made my way to the cash and made my escape. Walking through the front doors, smelling the sweet air of freedom, I felt like Andy Dufresne must have felt after his escape from Shawshank.
Setting up shop in my back yard, I began to unroll the veneer. Measuring carefully and cutting even more so, I began the slow, tedious work of piecing together the wood. As of right now, the seven layers of oak are stacked one on top of the other with glue in the middle to encourage the pieces to stick together.
Let’s see how this goes.
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